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Greg started out by training and working with several of the local's retrievers in Perquimans County, NC; ever since he was 11 years old while working on a family farm.

When we first started down this road together, who would have known that  a road trip from North Carolina to Kentucky, to bring home a Chesapeake Bay Retriever pup, would  lead to discussions about ethical breeding, pedigrees, AKC Hunt Tests and other competitive events. These discussions lead to ignite the spark that would set our dreams into motion. We've always believed that God does indeed open door's when least expected, and sometimes in ways that we cannot understand.


Next came the countless hours devoted and dedicated to learning everything that we could about the in's and out's of hunt tests, HRC's and Field Trials.  As well as extensive research on pedigrees (which has lead us to traveling across the United States seeking out pups with these outstanding pedigrees), breeding to the AKC's standards, the importance of health testing and of the proper nutrition in a dog's daily diet. While both learning from professionals before us and adding/adjusting quite a bit along the way to meet our own image of how to get our personal dog's to the high standards that we currently hold them to. One important lesson that has been learned along the way is that if you intend to hold your canine to a high standard, you must also hold yourself as a trainer to an even higher standard.


Since that first trip to Kentucky when we were still dating as teenagers, we have met many people along the way who have similarly shared an interest in this industry. As well as having made many friends and acquaintances along the way. 


This has been a lifelong career path that we have chosen to follow, and the best is yet to come.

- Drew Terranova 

How this all started out...


A little more about us

Training retrievers to love what they were born to do.

"One of the best feelings as a breeder is when you get to see one of the dogs you raised up from a past litter, now as a fully grown dog out there absolutely living it up and doing what they were born and bred to do; hunting and retrieving waterfowl and enjoying every minute of it. Seeing how well they do competing in the sporting world is an extra bonus."


We're very invested in the continual lives of the puppies that are produced here at Terranova Retrievers.

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